Labels:audio cd | book | box | cd rom | clock | conveyer belt | door | house | person | plate | table | tray | windowpane OCR: E3 1999 PORTS 2000 format. Windows" 95 '98 Power Macintosh EASP ORT DSIU COMPACT All materials are correct at time of going 01 OISC the product right ion to alter however any of its Electronic materials Arts at reserves DIGITALDATA ELECTRONIC ARTS future date. This trailer IS intended for promotional pur poses only, and may not be Not for Resale sold rented or reproduced by any party Any unauthorised use of this trai iler IS prohibited by app icable law 1 999 Electronic Arts Ali rights reserved Atl clips contained in this trailer are owned by their respective copyright owners and licensed to Elect tronic Arts At! other trademarks are the property of their respect ve owners SORTS wiridows repr roduced applicable reservea copyr ight